Lecture Series No. 49 – Accelerator Physics and Technology
Lecturer:Prof. Kazuhito Ohmi, KEK, Japan
Chair:Prof. Jie Gao, IHEP
Theme:Electron cloud effects in KEKB and LHC
Electron cloud instability was first observed at KEK-Photon factory as a strong instability in positron storage, and was identified as phenomena caused by electrons produced by synchrotron radiation in 1995. KEKB (start from 2000) suffers the instability, and achieves highest luminosity to overcome it finally. LHC has been observed the electron cloud effects increasing operating current and more bunches.
The electron cloud effects in KEKB and LHC are reviewed.
Lecturer’s short bio:
Prof. Ohmi obtained his PhD in hadron spectroscopy in \pe p interaction. He started accelerator research from 1990. Research subject is accelerator physics, especially, beam-beam effects, electron cloud effects, and space charge effects.
Time:15:30 (April 22, 15:30)
Place: Hall No.5, Meeting Room