【4.11】Academic Lecture: Beam-beam resonances for different collision schemes


Lecture Series No. 46– Accelerator Physics and Technology

LecturerDr. Dmitry Shatilov, BINP,Russia

ChairDr. Weiren Chou, FNAL, USA/IHEP

ThemeBeam-beam resonances for different collision schemes

Time April 11, 15:30

Place Hall No.5, Meeting Room


Beam-beam interaction is known as one of the main factors limiting luminosity of colliders. The strength and width of beam-beam resonances, which affect the equilibrium bunch distribution, depend on beam parameters at the Interaction Point and collision scheme. We will consider different collision schemes: head-on, travelling waist, large dispersion at the IP, crossing angle, large Piwinski angle, Crab Waist. Using beam-beam simulations it will be clearly shown how various resonances appear and disappear when changing from one scheme to another.

Lecturers short bio:

The speaker is working at the VEPP-4M collider in BINP, Novosibirsk.