Title:Research on Future Light Sources at Berkeley
Speaker:John Byrd (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Moderator: Prof. WANG Jiuqing
Time: 14:00, February 11
Place:Room C305, IHEP Main Building
The speaker will describe work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on two future light sources. The first is the LCLS-II, a free-electron laser driven by a 4 GeV superconducting linac planned for construction at SLAC. The second is the ALS-II, a 2 GeV diffraction limited soft x-ray storage ring at Berkeley with an emittance of 50 pm.
About the speaker:
John Byrd received his doctorate in accelerator physics from Cornell University in 1991 and has worked at Berkeley Lab ever since. He is currently head of the Center for Beam Physics at Berkeley Lab. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society.