【9.25】Academic Lecture:Dynamics and Supersymmetry Breaking in Theories without Lagrangian
Title: Dynamics and Supersymmetry Breaking in Theories without Lagrangian
Speaker: Dr. Wenbin Yan (California Institute of Technology)
Time: 3:30PM, Sept. 25th (Wednesday)
Place: Theory Division, Room 312
We study the dynamics and the possibility of dynamical supersymmetry breaking of N=1 supersymmetric theories without Lagrangian description.The system we studied is the N=1 supersymmetric systems consisting of the strongly-coupled superconformal theory T_N, SU(N) gauge groups, and fundamental chiral multiplets. We demonstrate that such systems exhibit familiar phenomena such as deformation of the vacuum moduli space, appearance of the dynamical superpotential, and Coulomb branches with N=1 Seiberg-Witten curves, with a detailed knowledge of the chiral ring of the T_N theory, which will also be discussed at length. We can further demonstrate that the supersymmetry can be dynamically broken in these theories. This susy breaking phenomenon is a direct generalization of the model of supersymmetry breaking on deformed moduli space in supersymmetric QCD with an SU(2) gauge group.