【12.27】Academic Lecture: Transverse Energy-Energy Correlations in Next-to-Leading Order in as at the LHC


Title: Transverse Energy-Energy Correlations in Next-to-Leading Order in as at the LHC

Speaker: Dr. Wei Wang(Bonn University)

Time: 10:00AM, December 27th (Thursday)

Place: Theory Division,319

Abstract: We compute the transverse energy-energy correlation (EEC) and its asymmetry (AEEC) in next-to-leading order (NLO) in $\alpha_s$ in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with the center-of-mass energy Ec.m. = 7 TeV. We show that the transverse EEC and the AEEC distributions are insensitive to the QCD factorization- and the renormalization-scales, structure functions of the proton, and for a judicious choice of the jet-size, also the underlying minimum bias events. Hence they can be used to precisely test QCD in hadron colliders and determine the strong coupling s. We illustrate these features by defining the hadron jets using the anti-kT jet algorithm and an event selection procedure employed in the analysis of jets at the LHC and show the $\alpha_s(MZ)$-dependence of the transverse EEC and the AEEC in the anticipated range 0.11< $\alpha_s(MZ)$< 0.13.