【9.24】Academic Lecture: Development Story of a 200 MeV Linac at BNL


Title: Development Story of a 200 MeV Linac at BNL

Speaker: Dr. Deepak Raparia, BNL, USA

Host: Prof. TANG Jingyu

Time: 14:15, Sept.24, 2012,  

Place: Room C305, IHEP Main Building


A 200 MeV proton Linear Accelerator (Linac) was built in 1972 at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) to inject the beam into Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS). Since then it has been gone through several changes with changing accelerator configuration at BNL accelerator complex. In the present configuration it serves as proton injector for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) & NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) and supply beam to Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP). The changes made last few years were responsible to reduce transverse emittance of polarized proton to several folds. The average current for BLIP was increased by factor of two while reducing residual activation of order of magnitude throughout the linac and its transfer lines.

About the speaker:

Dr. Deepak Raparia is BNL linac group leader and lead accelerator physicist for EBIS preinjector. Prior to the present position, Dr. Raparia served as group leader for the SNS/BNL accelerator physics group and as the deputy group leader for the SNS/ORNL accelerator group. Dr. Raparia has 34 years of experience in accelerator and his prior work include physics design of following: superconducting linac injector for the VLBNO project at BNL, the POP H minus laser stripping experiment at 200 MeV BNL Linac, the SNS transfer lines, and injection system, the POP experiment for BNCT, The 600 MeV linac for the 5 MW Spallation Neutron source at BNL, The SSC 600 MeV linac as well as pioneering work on helical electrostatic quadrupoles for low energy beam transport, RFQ physics design for the ion implantation, and the charge exchange injections of 20, 000 turns into the TRIUMF Kaon factory.

Dr. Raparia received a PhD in accelerator physics from University of Houston, A MS in accelerator physics from University of Manitoba, and a MS in mathematics from Agra University, He has coauthored more than 200 papers, and has given invitee talk in several international conferences, participated in numerous seminars and workshops as well as well as national and international scientific programs. He is member of the Linear Accelerator Conference Program Committee and Particle Accelerator Program Committee.