【9.19&9.21】Academic Lectures: Higher, Faster and Stronger than Ever&Nuclear Physics by Chiral Effective Field Theory
Title: Higher, Faster and Stronger than Ever
Speaker: Prof. Xiaoyuan Li (ITP,CAS)
Time: 10:00AM, September 19th (Wed.)
Place: Theory Division,319
Energy is the name of the game in particle physics and cosmology. For more than half a century there has been exponential growth in the attainable center-of-mass energy available for particle collisions. Most of experiments on high energy particle accelerators are impressive and beautiful, and the central output of these experiments is the acquisition of solid confidence in the standard model. However, understanding the nature of the quantum vacuum and the non-perturbative dynamics of quantum field theories still presents the great challenges. In recent years, ultra high intensity laser facilities have been developed all over the world, and they have been showing that the ultra intense field could be extremely relevant to fundamental physics and its applications. Ever higher energies, ever faster pulse of radiation and ever stronger fields will continue bring us to an unexplored new world.
Title: Nuclear Physics by Chiral Effective Field Theory
Speaker: Dr. Bing Wei Long (Jefferson Laboratory)
Time: 10:00AM, September 21st (Fri.)
Place: Theory Division,319