11th International BES Annual Meeting Successfully Held
The 11th International BES Annual Meeting was successfully held in Chengdu, provincial capital of Sichuan Province from June 9 through 12, 2002. Taking part in this meeting were 111 delegates from 15 Chinese research institutions and/or universities and 8 delegates from the USA, Japan, Korea and the Taiwan region.
This annual meeting had the largest attendance ever as against the previous ones, symbolizing the great progress made by BES Collaboration both at home and abroad. Professor Li Weiguo, deputy director of IHEP attended this meeting and gave a report entitled “Summary of BES 2002 and the Future Plan” which aroused great interest from the participants. In his report, he expressed his satisfaction with the attainment of 58 million J/y events and 14 millionψ(2S) events, the accomplishment of the preliminary design of BES III detector and the progress of its R & D. He also expressed the hope that all BES members would continue to exert themselves to achieve greater successes in physics analysis as well as the designing and development of a new spectrometer. Over 40 delegates from various institutions also reported at the meeting respectively on their efforts the operation of BEPC/BES, construction of computer network environment, improvement of both BES hardware and software, progress of J/ψ,ψ(2S) and R value both in theory and experiment, and progress and current status of the preliminary design of the BES III detector.
Following are the highlights addressed at this annual meeting:
1) Progress and current status of BEPC/BES in the past year (2001 – 2002)
During the operation for physics in the past year, BEPC/BES performance was increasingly improved. In spite of the aging of the collider and the spectrometer, 14 millionψ(2S) events and about 7 pb-1 y (3770) events were obtained. This was attributed to the persistent efforts of all scientists and engineers concerned.
2) Initial analysis of 58 million J/y events
An all-round check was made on the quality of the 58 million J/y events obtained in the past two years. Analyses were made for some decay channels like J/ψ?g , gp+p-, g
, ghc, g4p, g4K, ggV, fp+p-, fK+K-, wp+p-, K*Kp with some preliminary results obtained. Initial results were also achieved on the analyses of s and k, the study of the excitation state of L* and N* and the search for x (2230).
3) Initial checks upon quality of the 14 millionψ(2S) events
An all-round check was made upon the quality of the recently obtained 14 millionψ(2S) events, which showed that the quality was good.
4) Physics analysis and the results
By using the original data obtained with BES-I and the data recently obtained with BES-II in the past year, the BES Collaboration has carried out physics analysis of J/ψ、ψ(2S)、y(3770)、D、Ds and the measurement of R value with some new results. In addition to the aforesaid J/ψ physics, progress has been made on the measurements ofψ(2S) resonance parameter, the hadronic decay ofψ(2S) andψ(3770) resonance parameter, the study of resonance structure at 3.70 – 4.80 GeV, the analysis of the shape characteristic parameter of a 2 – 5 GeV event, test of QCD and the measurement of cross section in 2 –3 GeV. Hopefully papers will be published in the near future. With the approximately 7 pb-1 y(3770) events, the study of single and double tag of D meson gave out the branching ratio of some decay channels of D+(D0) mesons. BES Collaboration has published 7 papers in foreign and domestic journals, and BES members have published 22 papers pertinent to the BES physics and the detector, and presented 14 talks at various international conferences on high energy physics.
5) Preliminary design of the BES III detector and its R & D
With two years’ efforts to improve the BEPC II/BES III design, the double ring scheme of BEPC and using CsI crystal as the electromagnetic calorimeter of the BES III detector have been determined, and the detector R & D has been started. Prior to this meeting, the BES III collaboration meeting was held at IHEP on June 5 – 6 with the BES III preliminary design and its R & D work made known among collaborators and the possible expansion of international collaboration explored.
6) Future physics operation
Heated discussions were conducted among participants on BES physics operation plan for the upcoming 2 – 3 years. Most were in favor of the following two plans: One is to continue to take data of ψ(2S) to increase statistics and the other is to take data ofψ(3770) with the emphasis on the measurement ofψ(3770) resonance parameter, and the non- final state. Final decision will be made on the operation plan after opinions are solicited from all collaborators and theoretical physicists.
7) Joint meeting of representatives of BES collaboration
Representatives from all the BES collaborators expressed their satisfaction with the stable operation of BEPC/BES, the attainment of high quality data and the physics results since the previous annual meeting was held. They rejoiced over the progress of the BEPC II/BES III scheme and the future development of BES III.
It was agreed at this annual meeting to accept the following 6 universities as new members of BES Collaboration: University of Tokyo, Gyeongsang National University, National Central University, Guangxi University, Guangxi Normal University and Nanjing Normal University.