IHEP Colloquium: LUO Minxing Talks about “From High Energy Physics to High Energy Density Physics”


On June 3, an IHEP Colloquium was held at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS. Prof. LUO Minxing, Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician, delivered a lecture entitled “From High Energy Physics to High Energy Density Physics.” Prof. WANG Yifang, director of IHEP, chaired the forum.

Prof. LUO introduced the basic framework and cutting-edge developments in high energy physics and high energy density physics. The first part of the lecture began with a discussion of the mass of elementary particles, discussing the structure of the Standard Model in particle physics, as well as recent theoretical and experimental advances. The second part covered the development and significance of high energy density physics, focusing on the basic concepts of laser-driven inertial confinement fusion, challenging issues, research progress at the U.S. National Ignition Facility, historical reviews, as well as the status of relevant experimental facilities and research both domestically and internationally. LUO emphasized the importance of research in laser-driven high energy density physics, highlighting its potential to provide insights into cosmic evolution and demonstrate nuclear fusion as a future clean energy source.

Prof. WANG Yifang

Prof. LUO Minxing

Prof. LUO Minxing holds positions as a Chair Professor and Director at the Beijing Computational Science Research Center of the China Academy of Engineering Physics, a Chair Professor at Zhejiang University, a recipient of the National Distinguished Youth Science Fund, and a specially appointed professor under the Ministry of Education’s Chang Jiang Scholars Program.

Contact Information

Ms. JIA Yinghua
