Scientists Propose New Source for Rare Subatomic Particles
Jul 02, 2021A paper based on joint research by Prof. YUAN Changzheng, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Marek Karliner, Tel Aviv University of Israel, was published in Physical Review Letter...
PAPS Begins Operation in China
Jun 28, 2021The Platform of Advanced Photon Source (PAPS) technology R&D project started operation on June 28, with equipment such as the radio frequency and cryogenic systems, and magnet measurement and X-ray optical inspection ...
HEPS Installs First Piece of Accelerator Equipment in Linac Tunnel
Jun 28, 2021With the installation of its electron gun, the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), the first high-energy synchrotron radiation light source in China and one of brightest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation facilitie...
Domestic Superconducting Dipole Magnet Reaches 12 Tesla
Jun 17, 2021The high-field superconducting magnet team of IHEP has made breakthrough progress in a new round of performance tests that ended on June 13. The magnetic field of the dipole magnet developed by the team exceeded 12 T ...
LHAASO Discovers a Dozen PeVatrons and Photons Exceeding 1 PeV and Launches Ultra-High-Energy Gamma Astronomy Era
May 15, 2021China's Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO)—one of the country's key national science and technology infrastructure facilities—has found a dozen ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic accelerators within the...
Low-frequency (<1 GHz) Elliptical Cavities Break China Record
May 08, 2021The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) at IHEP made an important breakthrough recently. Two of its 650 MHz 1-cell cavities (650S4 and 650S7) reached 2.7E10@35MV/m and 3.6E10@32MV/m, respectively, in a vertical...
Researchers Create Novel Boron-10 Nano-drug for Precise Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in Mouse Model of Glioma in Situ
Apr 28, 2021Prof. XING Gengmei of the Institute of High Energy Physics, along with her research group, recently made important progress in the development of nano-drugs for the treatment of malignant glioma. The study, entitled ...
Evidence for PeVatrons, the Milky Way's Most Powerful Particle Accelerators
Apr 02, 2021The Tibet ASγ experiment, a China-Japan joint research project on cosmic-ray observation, has discovered ultra-high-energy diffuse gamma rays from the Milky Way galaxy. The highest energy detected is estimated to be ...
Observation of the Zcs(3985) Strange Four-quark Meson: The first hidden-charm tetraquark state with non-zero strangeness
Mar 12, 2021In the March 12, 2021 issue of Physical Review Letters, the BESIII collaboration reports the discovery of an exotic multiquark structure, dubbed Zcs(3985), that is produced in the process of e+e-→K+(Ds-D*0+Ds*-D0) at...
Discovery of a Potential Cosmic-ray Accelerator in the Galaxy: The Tibet ASγ experiment opens a window on the origin of PeV cosmic rays
Mar 01, 2021The Tibet ASgamma experiment, a Sino-Japanese joint research project, has discovered gamma rays beyond 100 TeV coming from G106.3+2.7, a supernova remnant (SNR) 2600 light-years from Earth (see Fig.1). These gamma ray...