International Scientists Review CEPC Conceptual Design on the Detector and Physics Performance
The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) invited a committee of international experts to review the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) for the detector and physics of the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) from Sept. 13-15 in Beijing.
Coming from Japan, France, Russia, the USA, Netherlands, Italy, the UK, Germany, China and Denmark, 11 famous experts in the fields of detectors, physics analysis and theoretical physics comprised the review committee, which was chaired by Prof. Marcel Vos from Spain’s Institute of Corpuscular Physics (Instituto de Física Corpuscular). Using an international review committee marked a new stage in the design of the CEPC.
Prof. Qin Qing, IHEP deputy director and deputy manager of the CEPC project welcomed the reviewers and participated in discussions between reviewers and the CEPC Group. Prof. Lou Xinchou, CEPC project manager, attended the meeting.
The convener of the CEPC Detector and Physics Group, Prof. Joao Guimaraes da Costa, opened the meeting with an overview report on CEPC physics and the detector. The review meeting featured more than 20 reports on various CEPC subsystems, including the tracking system, calorimeter system, magnet, muon system, DAQ and MDI. Reports also covered the CEPC physics case, physics analysis and detector performance simulation. The review committee and CEPC group also held several discussions.
After three days of arduous work, the reviewers delivered their preliminary comments and a summary of the meeting. The reviewers all agreed that the CEPC design work has achieved remarkable progress, and congratulated the group on the completion of the CDR. The review committee evaluated the work of each subsystem in detail, pointed out issues to address and recommended directions for improvement, thus providing a valuable reference for future design optimization. The committee’s final report will serve as the basis for the CEPC Physics and Detector Group as it optimizes and completes the final CDR.
Contact Information
Mr. Guo Lijun