ADS Injector I Proton Beam Reaches 10MeV at 10mA
The Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System (ADS) Proton Linac Injector I was successfully commissioned up to 10.1MeV at apulse beam current of 10.03mA with fourteen low-beta superconducting (SC) spoke cavities on June 17th, 2016.
The ADS Proton Linac Injector I is composed of an ion source, a low energy beam transport line, a 325MHz radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ), a medium energy beam transport line, a superconducting linac (SCmodule 1 and 2) and a beam dump. During the commissioning, a pulsed proton beamgenerated by the ion beam source was accelerated by the RFQto anenergy of 3.2 MeV, and then by theSC spoke cavitiesto 10.1 MeV. The beam current measured at the exit of the SC section was above 10.03 mA.
This is the first proton linac integrated by fourteen SC spoke cavities with the lowest beta value of 0.12, marking a great breakthrough in the China ADS project.
ADS Proton Linac Injector I (Image by IHEP)
The output peak current at the exit of the SC section was 10.03 mA (Image by IHEP)