WANG Enge, Vice President of CAS, paid an inspection tour to IHEP Dongguan Campus and the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) on April 14th, 2015.
The Vice President first visited the CSNS model and listened to the introduction on the CSNS project by CHEN Yuanbo, Deputy Director of IHEP. He then toured the No. 2# Hall for measurements, hall for Linac equipments, Linac tunnel, Storage Ring tunnel and the target station
After the site tour, the Vice President had discussions with the IHEP leaders and those of the IHEP Dongguan Campus. PAN Weimin, Deputy Director of IHEP, expressed warm welcome to WANG Enge and his entourage. CHEN Yuanbo gave a report on the progress of the CSNS Project that included a general introduction, scientific goals and the existing problems and difficulties remaining to be solved. The Vice President was amazed at the construction site. He expressed that CAS would continue to give support to CSNS construction and commented that facility applications and user cultivation should be considered at an early stage.

WANG Enge (left)Paid an Inspection Tour to CSNS (image by IHEP)