After 24 hours’ full capacity test at 120kV, the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) completed the fabrication and the relevant integration test of its first 400 Hz series resonant high voltage power supply.
The CSNS DTL klystron adopts 400 Hz series resonant high voltage power - a new type of pulse high voltage power supply. Based on the principle of series resonance between capacitor and choke, combining frequency conversion and pulse phase lock technologies plus auxiliary three-stage modulator and HV crowbar, the new type pulse high voltage power supply is successfully developed. The new equipment is based on the home technologies and independently designed. Currently, it is unique with no such applications in other accelerator based laboratories. The equipment has the advantages of simple structure, reliable operation and low trouble rates, and is easy to be maintained.
The R&D of the new equipment was done by the CSNS Linac RF Group, the installation was started in March, 2015. With team efforts, the installation and the integration test were accomplished in three weeks with all the specifications meeting the design goals.
The successful R&D of the equipment not only lays a sound foundation for the CSNS linac commissioning and operation, but also provides a new choice for the future design of klystron pulse high voltage power supplies.

CSNS First 400Hz Series Resonant High Voltage Power Supply Developed (image by IHEP)