YANG Wei, CAS Academician and President of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), inspected IHEP Dongguan Campus on April 2, 2015.
YANG visited the CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) site where he toured Hall 2# for measurements, the target station, the linac and storage ring tunnels. After the site visit, he had discussions and exchanges with the CSNS project leaders about the possible science studies based on CSNS. CHEN Hesheng, CAS academician and the CSNS Project Director, reported to him on the CSNS project that dealt with such subjects as the reactor and spallation neutron sources, the typical applications of spallation neutron sources and the characteristics using neutron scattering to study the structure of matter, and so on. CHEN expressed the wish to strengthen cooperative ties with universities and industries, he earnestly requested more NSFC support in this regard.
YANG responded that NSFC has been always supportive of the mega-science project construction under CAS. He suggested that CSNS would pay more attention to substantiating its science studies and cooperation, and actively apply for support from the NSFC key programs such as “Instruments and Equipments, Materials and Genome and the programs under international collaboration”.

YANG Wei (second from left)inspects IHEP Dongguan Campus (image by IHEP)