April 2, 2015 is the 90th birthday of YE Minghan, CAS Academician and China’s noted physicist in the field of high energy physics. To congratulate on Prof. YE Minghan and to carry forward his scientific and innovative spirits, the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) held the symposium “YE Minghan and the Beijing Spectrometer”.
PAN Weiming, Deputy Director of IHEP chaired the symposium. WANG Yifang, Director of IHEP gave a key note speech recalling the historical developments of high energy physics in China and Prof. YE’s contributions during the process. Several other talks introducing Prof’s YE’s scientific activities were also arranged.
BAI Chunli, CAS President and T.D.LEE, the Nobel Prize Laureate sent to the symposium letters of congratulations on Prof. YE’s birthday.
Born in 1925, YE Minghan graduated from Department of Physics, Tsinghua University in June 1949. Then he worked at the Institute of Modern Physics, the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Atomic Energy and the Institute of High Energy Physics. He has served as director of IHEP (1984-1988), president of the Chinese High Energy Physical Society, president of the Nuclear Electronics and Nuclear Detecting Technologies Society, director of the Chinese Physical Society, director of the Chinese Electronics Society. He was elected member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1995. He is now full professor of IHEP and tutor of Ph.D students, as well as scientific director of the China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST).He is mainly interested in the research of experimental physics, detecting technology and application of nuclear method in material science.

Prof.YE Minghan at the symposium (image by IHEP)