Global Research Pushes Boundaries
Dec 29, 2015Although collider programs proposed by different countries are always fiercely competitive and can be highly nationalistic in flavor, the whiff of gunpowder is much fainter among physicists working on neutrino projects.
Laboratory for X-ray Optics and Technology Holds Its 2015 Annual Meeting at IHEP
Dec 29, 2015The 2015 annual meeting of the IHEP Laboratory for X-ray Optics and Technology was held at IHEP on December 24, 2015. Scholars from the universities and CAS institutes attended the meeting.
Debugging of First CSNS/RCS Quadrupole Power Supply and Resonance Network Successfully Completed
Dec 25, 2015The debugging of the first CSNS/RCS quadrupole power supply and its resonant network was successfully completed on December 15, 2015 with all the specifications meeting or better than the designed requirements.
BESIII Collaboration Meeting in Winter of 2015 Held at IHEP
Dec 24, 2015The BESIII Collaboration Meeting in Winter of 2015 was held at IHEP from December 12 to 16, 2015. Scholars from 58 members (including 3 newly accepted) of the Collaboration attended the meeting.
Workshop on CEPC Theory Studies Held at IHEP
Dec 23, 2015IHEP Center for Future High Energy Physics held on December 14, 2015 a workshop on project applications for CEPC (Circular Electron Positron Collider) theory studies. More than 30 scholars from home and abroad attende...
Third CSNS Science Committee Meeting Convened in Dongguan
Dec 22, 2015The Third CSNS Science Committee Meeting, chaired by CAS Academician Fang Shouxian, was convened in Dongguan on December 16, 2015.Thirty five members including 11 academicians attended the meeting.
Silicon Array Detector on Satellite Powered Up
Dec 22, 2015The silicon array detector developed by IHEP was launched together with the dark matter particle detection satellite on December 17, 2015. Being powered up, the detector is now under normal working conditions, marking...
Key Components Ordered for JUNO Experiment
Dec 18, 2015A procurement contract on 20-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) was signed at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) on December 16.Thisis the largest singl...
Bai Chunli Congratulates IHEP on Successful Lunch of Dark Matter Particle Detection Satellite
Dec 18, 2015Bai Chunli, President of CAS, congratulated IHEP on the successful launch of China’s first dark matter particle detection satellite on December 17th, 2015.
Absolute Measurement of Semileptonic Decay of Λc at BESIII
Dec 10, 2015The BESIII Collaboration measured the absolute branching fraction of the, Λ+c → Λe + νe, decay with data set at the Λ+c Λ-c threshold (~4.6 GeV). This result is essential for understanding the theoretical m...