Scientists from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) have recently accomplished key components for the 1.3 GHz SRF Accelerator Module (IHEP Innovation Project), which is now ready for assembly and horizontal test in early 2014.
(Image by IHEP)
The accomplished components include a large grain low loss shape 9-cell cavity, two input couplers with double windows, tuner and LLRF system and the cryomodule, which have all met the design goals in the performance tests.
During the performance test, the large grain low loss shape 9-cell cavity with full end groups reached 20 MV/m (quality factor 1.4E10, no field emission) in the vertical test and was welded in the helium tank with inside magnetic shield. Two input couplers with double windows reached the ILC specification (TW 1 MW, pulse length 1 ms, repetition rate 5 Hz) in the high power conditioning test. The performance of the tuner and LLRF system at room temperature fulfilled the ILC requirements. The cryomodule finished fabrication and assembly test.
The module will be used as the main linac of the IHEP ERL-FEL test facility. IHEP and HE-Racing Technology Corporation has launched a joint R&D effort for the industrialization of the 9-cell cavity. 1.3 GHz Superconducting RF accelerator technology is one of the key frontier technologies for the future high energy physics facilities and advanced light sources.