Next generation neutrino physicists trained
The International Neutrino Summer School (INSS 2013), co-hosted by the Institute of High Energy Physics and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, took place at Beijing Shunxin Green Resort in the suburbs of Beijing from August 6 to August 16, 2013.
Ten internationally-renowned experts in neutrino physics gave a series of lectures to 89 graduate students and young researchers in both theory and experiment. The experts introduced basic knowledge of neutrino physics and the latest progress in theories and experimental frontiers.
The goal of this school is to train the next generation neutrino physicists. The curriculum covers many topics such as an introduction to the standard model, neutrino oscillation phenomenology, accelerator and reactor neutrinos, neutrino cross sections, neutrino mass models, and neutrinos in cosmology.
Formal lectures, informal tutorial sessions and opportunities for students to present their own work were arranged during the training. The summer school was a full success and the next school will be held in University of Glasgow, 2014.
Experts in neutrino physics gave a series of lectures