CSNS review meeting held at IHEP


The CSNS Project held its Fourth Review Meeting of the International Advisory Committee at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) from September 22 to 24, 2012.

Dr. CHEN Hesheng, the CSNS Project Manager, extended his warm welcome to the experts and introduced the latest project progress. "Following its groundbreaking ceremony in October, 2011, the CSNS project launched its civil construction in May, 2012. After R&D,some components have entered into the phase of batch production.” CHEN added.

At the meeting, experts listened to the overall and detailed progress reports covering almost all the CSNS sub-systems. They made many valuable suggestions on wide aspects concerning the project,commenting that mid and long-term development for CSNS project is essential to the first-class experiments later on.

A group of 19 experts from world-renowned institutions attended the review meeting.


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