IHEP wins bid for waveguide system of MAX IV Project
MAX-lab at Lund University,Sweden, recently announced that the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) won the bid for the waveguide system of the MAX IV Project.
In 2011,IHEP was appointed as the official supplier of the components in microwave and vacuum system of the MAX IV Project. As being invited by the Swedish National Electron Accelerator Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Research, Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Physics and the MAX-lab, IHEP joined the international bidding for the waveguide system of the MAX IV Project. After extended review, IHEP ranked the first among the competing candidates and won the final bid, which marked the landing of IHEP’s accelerator components in northern Europe for the first time.
MAX IV will be the next generation synchrotron radiation facility in Sweden. It will replace the existing laboratory consisting of the MAX I, II and III storage rings. The main sources at MAX IV are two storage rings (1.5 GeV and 3 GeV) with state-of-the-art low emittance for the production of soft and hard x-rays. The linac injector will provide short pulses to a short pulse facility. This solution allows the production of synchrotron radiation with optimal characteristics in a wide energy region, fulfilling the needs of the most diverse research areas.