IHEP and Hongkong University explore digital forensics for cloud computing


The Computing Center with the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) held the third workshop on cloud computing safety on August 19. As one of the activities on network safety under the cooperative framework between IHEP and Hongkong University, this workshop mainly focused on the digital forensics for cloud computing.

At the workshop, Prof. K.P.Chow from Hongkong University delivered a report entitled Digital Forensics and Cloud, in which he explained the current cloud computing plan in Hongkong University and the following studies such as the distribution of virtual machines and the platform of operating system. Streaming media forensics were also dealt with, plans are being made to develop some digital forensics techniques to protect the intellectual property rights of the streaming media in Hongkong. And this will be done through cooperation by conducting studies on the cloud computing platform at IHEP.

Prof. XU Rongsheng, an IHEP net-safety expert, delivered a speech entitled Research on Cloud Security -- A system of Check-Monitor-Forensic. In his talk, he raised the concept of mobile agent and experimental procedures for public discussions. He encouraged the student attendees to select a direction under this topic to conduct experiments and present papers.

At the workshop, further cooperation and personnel exchanges were also discussed. It is hoped that more fruitful results in the research of cloud computing safety will be achieved through the cooperative efforts by IHEP and Hongkong University.

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