Postdoctoral Position for Large Array of Cherenkov Telescope (LACT)

The Particle Astrophysics Division at the Institute of High Energy Physics is seeking outstanding candidates for a postdoctoral position within the cosmic ray group. As the earliest scientific research group dedicated to cosmic rays in China, the cosmic ray group has successfully led many major international experiments, including ARGO-YBJ and LHAASO.

Large Array of Cherenkov Telescopes (LACT) is the next generation of Image Atmosphere Cherenkov Telescope experiment. LACT is designed to have 32 telescopes and achieve the angular resolution better than 0.05° above 10 TeV. Above 100TeV, the sensitivity, with a 500-hour exposure on a single gamma-ray source, is designed to match the sensitivity of LHAASO for one year. This allows us to identify the gamma ray sources in PeVatrons and measure their morphology in detail, which can help us to reveal the mechanism of the gamma ray emission and then deeply explore the origin of the high energy cosmic rays.

Postdoctoral fellows can choose to participate in the development of the Cherenkov telescope, including telescope simulation, software development, telescope R&D, etc. They can also choose to participate in LACT prototype performance study and LACT prototype data analysis.

Candidates under the age of 35 with a PhD degree in experimental particle physics, nuclear physics and technology, particle astrophysics, technologies associated with particle detectors are encouraged to apply.

The postdoctoral term is for 2 years with an option to renew for a third year. The annual salary is (300,000 + X) CNY before tax, with X negotiable.

Completed applications must contain a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a research plan, and at least two reference letters, which should be submitted to Prof.  Shoushan Zhang (