Research Associate Professor Positions at Theoretical Physics Division of IHEP


The Theoretical Physics Division of IHEP invites applications to fill two tenure-track research positions in 2020. Candidates with a Ph.D. and at least two years of postdoctoral experiences in particle physics, nuclear physics, particle astrophysics or cosmology are encouraged to apply. High priority will be given to the candidates working on Higgs phenomenology and TeV new physics, and special preference will also be given to those working on particle astrophysics and cosmology. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae (including a list of publications and a research plan) and arrange three letters of recommendation to be sent to the following address: 

Dr. Lei Dang 
Theoretical Physics Division, 
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 
P.O. Box 918-4 , Beijing 100049, China 

Deadline date : January 5, 2020