Postdoc position on Muon Physics at IHEP


The institute of high energy physics (IHEP) of Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing is opening a Postdoc fellow position on the Coherent Muon to Electron Conversion (COMET) experiment at J-PARC in Japan. The COMET experiment searches for the charged lepton flavor violation (cLFV) with a target sensitivity of 10^{-16} using the high intensity muon beam provided at J-PARC. (

Successful candidate is going to play a major role in the development of the simulation and reconstruction of the tracks in the central drift chamber (CDC), as well as physics analysis and background study. A Ph.D degree in experimental physics is required. Experiences in Geant-4 simulation and track reconstruction in the drift chamber are appreciated. 

The appointment will be for a period of two years with a possible extension for another two years. 

The IHEP-COMET group is also involved in the optimization and production of the electronic read-out of the CDC detector.      

We anticipate the candidate to be resident at KEK or Osaka University, and spend fractional time at IHEP, Beijing. Candidates should send a statement of interest, a CV, and have three letters of recommendation sent to Hai-Bo Li, The review of applications will begin immediately upon reception of required materials and last until the position is filled.

IHEP has an international working environment and non-Chinese-speaking candidates are encouraged to apply.

For further information, and to apply, please contact:

Contact: Prof. Hai-Bo Li


Letters of Reference should be sent to: