Postdoc Fellow position at IHEP, China
The institute of high energy physics (IHEP) of Chinese Academy of Science in Beijing is opening two Postdoc fellow positions on the detector design for Circle Electron Positron Collider(CEPC).
The CEPC is a future collider facility which takes the role of a Higgs factory. The main physics objectives are precise measurement of Higgs properties as well as tagging possible new physics signal. The design and optimization of CEPC detector is crucial for the success of this project.
The postdoc fellows are expected to play important roles in the detector optimization studies with massive Monte-Carlo simulation and reconstruction, as well as reconstruction and analysis algorithm/tools development. A Ph.D degree in experimental physics and is requires. Experiences in Geant 4 simulation, grid computing and software development will be appreciated.
This appointment will be for a period of two years with a possible extension of another two years.
The successful applicants will be based in IHEP, close to down-town Beijing. IHEP is a national lab and premier high energy physics centre of China. IHEP host the BEPS collider in its campus and has over 1,400 employees with strong support in all aspects of experimental high-energy physics.
The appointment will be for a period of two years with a possible extension of another two years.
Interested candidates should send the curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests (motivation letter), a list of publications and arrange three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to Dr.Manqi RUAN ( and Ms. Yinghua Jia ( with a subject title Postdoc Search 1112013.
Contact Information:
Dr. Dr.Manqi RUAN; E-mail:; Phone: 86+10-88235892
Ms.Yinghua Jia; E-mail:; Phone: 86+10-88235892