* Policy
* Committee
Chair : Yajun Mao (PKU) [Term: summer 2024- summer 2026]
Members : Frederick Harris, Feng Liu(summer 2023- summer 2026)
Andrzej Kupsc, Yajun Mao(summer 2024- summer 2026)
Johan Messchendorp, Xueyao Zhang (summer 2024- summer 2025)
* Awardees 2024
*** Tong Chen (IHEP, supervised by Prof. SHuangshi Fang):
“The study of 𝑱/𝝍 → 𝜸𝟑 𝝅+𝝅− and 𝝌𝒄𝟏 → 𝟐(𝝅+𝝅−) at BESIII”
*** Liang Liu (USTC, supervised by Prof. Haiping Peng,Xiaorong Zhou):
“Study of the CP violation and ΔI = 1/2 rule in hyperon decays at BESIII”
*** Zekun Jia (USTC, supervised by Prof. Haiping Peng):
“Studies on Weak Radiative Hyperon Decays at BESIII”
* Awardees 2023
*** Hong-Fei Shen (IHEP, supervised by Prof. Hai-Bo Li):
“Study of the hyperon-antihyperon pair productions and their decay mechanism at BESIII”
*** Yong Xie (Shandong Univ., supervised by Prof. Zhiqing Liu):
”*** Zhiyi Wang (UCAS, supervised by Prof. Xiaorui lyu):
* Awardees 2022
*** Meike Kübner (Univ. of Bochum, supervised by Profs. Fritz-Herbert Heinsius and Ulrich Wiedner):
“Coupled Channel Partial Wave Analysis of Two-Photon Reactions at BESIII”
*** Yunxuan Song (Peking Univ., supervised by Prof. Yajun Mao):
“Search for Baryon Number Violation and Flavor Changing Neutral Current at BESIII”
*** Jianyu Zhang (IHEP, supervised by Prof. Haibo Li):
“Studies of Hyperon Decays and CP violation at BESIII”