Welcome to the BEPCII IR Mini-Workshop!
  The Mini-Workshop on the BEPCII Interaction Region is scheduled to be held from January 12 to 16, 2004 at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing, China.Since it is the critical design stage of the BEPCII, the workshop will focus on the BEPCII IR design, and participants will help us greatly with their knowledge and experience in a frontline collider design and operation.
  The Workshop will be organized in plenary and working sessions. The working sessions are divided into following 4 working groups:
  1. Optics: design lattice, optics error effects, monitoring, correction and commissioning experience.
  2. Background: detector, masks and vacuum requirements.
  3. Magnets: super-conducting magnets, special magnets. 
  4. Alignment, support, vacuum chamber, installation, interplay with detector.
  We envision that the participants will not only review and advise, but also work together with the IHEP people until definitive design decisions are reached during the workshop.