Mailing Address

Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing

Postal code: 100049

Find a Person

If you need to find a specific person at IHEP, please try thephonebook, where you can look up email and office telephone information.

Working Hours

Monday to Friday

Morning 08:00 to 12:00

Afternoon 13:30 to 17:00

Comments and Suggestions

We welcome your comments and suggestions on the English website, and inquiries about the news reports and stories on the site. Please feel free to send these to:

Media Inquiries

Any media or press representatives who are interested in interviewing IHEP staff or would like more information about IHEP’s scientific research activities, please contact the International Office.

Contact person: Ms. JIA Yinghua

Head of International Office, IHEP


TEL: 86-10-88233093

FAX: 86-10-88233374

Useful Numbers

Human Resources Department

FAX: 86-10-88233102 

TEL: 86-10-88233157


International Office

TEL: 86-10-88233093

FAX: 86-10-88233374 
