With the installation of its electron gun, the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), the first high-energy synchrotron radiation light source in China and one of brightest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation facilities over the world, is brought into its
Scientists from IHEP have successfully developed an engineering prototype based on through-silicon-via technology (TSV), which significantly reduces the module gap and improves the low-energy X-ray response. The achievement indicates that IHEP has reached the
The domestically made WR1800 waveguide directional coupler prototype passed essential acceptance tests on July 29. This is a significant milestone in the development of the high-power radio frequency (RF) system for the High Energy Photon Source
The Second Meeting of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) for the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) was held at the Kuangou Conference Center in Beijing's Huairou District from Dec. 16-18, 2019. Seventeen IAC members from international institutes and...
China ' s High Energy Photon Source ( HEPS ) , the country ' s first high-energy synchrotron radiation light source and soon one of the world ' s brightest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation facilities .HEPS will provide high-brightness and high-cohere...
China ' s High Energy Photon Source ( HEPS ) project moved one step closer to reality with approval of the HEPS Feasibility Study Report by the National Development and Reform Commission , China ' s top economic planning body , on Dec . 28 .The project was ...
In the most recent run of BEPCII in dedicated synchrotron radiation mode , the Digital Beam Position Monitor ( DBPM ) electronics , developed by the Institute of High Energy Physics , operated successfully for the first time .The beam position resolution of...
The superconducting wiggler of the High Energy Photon Source Test Facility ( HEPS-TF ) passed its cryogenic vertical test on April 15th .Participated in the field test at IHEP . At the test site , the test group heard presentations on the research backgroun...
The National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ) , China ' s top economic planner , approved construction of the High Energy Photon Source ( HEPS ) on December 15th .It will allow China to join the elite group of countries which have high energy sync...
Thirteen IAC members , experts in accelerators , beamlines , and stations from Europe , Asia and the Americas , attended the meeting to review the research on the HEPS-TF project , and the preliminary design of the future project , HEPS . Prof . Qin Qing .A...