CSNS Restarts First Round Operation in 2020
Date: 2020-04-01 Author:
On February 3, CSNS restarted its first beam commissioning in 2020, after overcoming the chanlleges during the pandemic. The beam power reached 100kW on February 28, followed by a stable operation. As a result, the first round user experiment in 2020 was finally started with a stable beam supply. Due to the travel restriction during the pandemic, the experiment was carried out remotely. Samples were sent to CSNS and all the collaboration discussions were done online.
With the ease of the pandemic, CSNS finally welcomed its first on-site user on March 15. The user comes from the University of Science and Technology of China, who is conducting archaeological research using neutron imaging technology.
CSNS has made special reception procedures, including a strict epidemic prevention and control measure. Users are provided with services like free airport transfers, single room accommodation, food delivery, free masks, etc.