The first CSNS Polarized Neutron Advisory Workshop was successfully held on November 23th-26th, 2019, in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. The workshop was jointly hosted by the Dongguan Campus of the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) and Dongguan Science and Technology Bureau.
The workshop held in Dongguan was the first of its kind in China on Polarized Neutrons. The workshop was to provide a platform for researchers to share ideas and experiences on sample environment, elements of polarized neutrons, design and construction of instruments. More than 30 experts from worldwide universities and research institutions such as IOP (China), ANSTO (Australia), ILL (France), PSI (Switzerland), J-PARC (Japan), Delft university of Technology (Netherland) and JCNS (German) attended the workshop and shared their experience with neutron instrumentation and scattering.
Followed by a warm opening remark given by CSNS Project Manager Prof. Hesheng Chen, Ms. Lin Zheng, on behalf of the Dongguan Municipal Government, gave a brief introduction of Dongguan City to the guests. The workshop has three scientific sessions, with 19 presentations focused on the concept, development, application and experimental challenges of polarized neutron, covering aspects of quantum condensed matter research, probed using neutron Spin Echo and Larmor labelling and the overall physical design of the major labs.
The experts also discussed the experimental progress and the development of polarized neutron in China which has laid a foundation for the construction and operation of polarized neutron equipment at CSNS.