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Eighth International Review on CSNS Held in Dongguan
November 4, 2016. The CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) International Advisory Committee held its eighth review meeting on IHEP Dongguan Campus from November 1 to 3, 2016.

Seventeen noted scientists from ANL, ANSTO, CERN, ESS, BNL, JAEA and J-PARC, MSU, ORNL, RAL, STFC and Universita degli Studi di Roma attended the meeting and had serious review on the progress of CSNS.
CSNS Project Director Chen Hesheng gave an overall report on CSNS covering the accelerator, target and spectrometer, facility construction and user cultivation. Representing the sub-systems, Lin Guopin, Fu Shinian and Wang Fangwei also gave reports respectively.The review experts toured the linac tunnel, storage ring tunnel and the target, the experts gave high comments on the excellent jobs done since last year.

The review experts listened to 28 detailed reports and had thorough discussions and exchanges with the CSNS staff. They concluded that since the last review meeting, the project has made remarkable progress. Valuable suggestions and opinions were put forward on such key issues as organization of user community, safety issue and project management. Chen Hesheng expressed his hearty thanks to the experts’review and promised to respond soon after studying their comments.