Croucher Summer Course Students Visit CSNS
Date: 2016-08-13 Author:
August 13, 2016. Students from the Second Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering, based in Hong Kong ended five days of intensive training with a visit to the China Spallation Neutron Source, at the Dongguan Branch of the Institute of High Energy Physics. Prof. CHEN Yuanbai, director of the Dongguan Branch, guided the tour.
Hosted by the City University of Hong Kong, the course aims to educate and inspire postgraduate students and early career researchers from Hong Kong and the wider region. This week-long course is an introduction to neutron scattering and covers fundamental scattering theory and commonly-used scattering techniques. The focus is on inelastic neutron scattering, with several practical sessions on the analysis of neutron scattering data.

A total of 25 people from universities and research institutions worldwide participated in the training, and most of the students came to CSNS on the last day of the course. They toured the linac tunnel, ring and target stations, and heard about the progress of construction and the function of each part.
As possible future users of CSNS, giving the students this opportunity to learn more about the project will contribute to the future development and expansion of the CSNS user base.