Vice Rector of University of Padova Visits CSNS
Date: 2016-05-30 Author:
May 30, 2016. Prof. Alessandro Paccagnella, Vice Rector for International Relations, University of Padova, together with Professor Denis Bastieri, visited the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) in Dongguan on May 30. Professor FU Shinian, Director of the Accelerator Division, IHEP Dongguan Campus and Prof. LIANG Tianjiao, Vice Director of the Experimental Division, welcomed the guests.
Alessandro Paccagnella and Denis Bastieri viewing the CSNS model
A tour of CSNS was arranged for the visitors. The first stop was the CSNS scale model, where Prof. Fu introduced the layout of CSNS, as well as the latest progress of the project construction. They then visited the CSNS construction site, including the target station, linear tunnel and ring tunnel.
After the tour, the visitors were invited to an informal discussion with CSNS scientists. Prof. Paccagnella gave a presentation about the University of Padova, in which he outlined their current neutron science research programme, and the plan for future cooperation with CSNS. Prof. FU spoke highly of the great achievements that the University of Padova has made in scientific research in that area. He is also looking forward to further future cooperation between IHEP Dongguan campus and the University of Padova.