Rutherford Lab ISIS Director Visits CSNS
Date: 2016-04-20 Author:
April 20, 2016. Prof. Robert McGreevy, Director of the ISIS pulsed neutron and muon source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, together with Prof. John Bouchard, Open University, UK, Miss. Zhang Shuyan and Mr. Zhang Peng, Director and Deputy Director respectively of Guangdong Materials and Genetics Polytechnic Institute, visited CSNS on April 20th, 2016. The project manager Prof. CHEN Hesheng, together with the Deputy Director of IHEP and Director of CSNS Prof. CHEN Yuanbo and other project scientists, warmly welcomed him and introduced the progress of the project construction.

In the meeting, the participants discussed the spectrometer, the second target station construction, and user training. Prof. McGreevy was given a tour of the site, including the linear tunnel, which is currently being installed with equipment, the ring tunnel and the target station, and he gave practical suggestions on several aspects of the construction and applications.