Instrument Contact: Dr. CHEN Jie
The energy-resolved neutron imaging instrument (ERNI) is designed to be a versatile neutron imaging and diffraction instrument, for non-destructive and in-situ testing of materials and large-scale complex systems. It will be fully optimized to benefit from the unique capabilities of CSNS and encompass the largest range of applications. In particular, ERNI is dedicated to analyzing the 2D/3D distribution of microstructure, defects, crystalline information, strain and stress in materials and components. ERNI will provide techniques including neutron radiography, neutron tomography, Bragg-edge imaging, neutron grating interferometer, neutron & X-ray 4D imaging, and neutron diffraction. ERNI will offer new opportunity to advance research in a broad range of applications, such as energy storage and processes, materials science, earth science, additive manufacturing, mechanical and physical behavior, aerospace and transportation, building technologies, plant physiology, archeology and other industrial applications.